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KS3 Travel Classes - new term starts 24 February 2025

Travel Classes Jan25.jpg

Fun, interactive travel classes which are actually geography, history, & social studies in disguise. 


Aimed at roughly ages 11-14 although we do have a handful of very engaged slightly younger children.


During this academic year we are "travelling" through the USA.  We've already covered the early history from when the English Settlers arrived, through to the Declaration of Independence.  We've also already learnt why the USA is a "Superpower" and learnt about their economic, military, and political might.

We've learnt all about foreign currency and exchange rates and even learned how and where the US Dollar is manufactured.


We've also already learnt quite a bit about some of the previous presidents as well as what's involved in becoming the president of the USA.


Now we are well into our "arm chair travels" and focussing more on travel and tourism.


Among the States we'll cover this next half term is California, Illinois, and Texas (by popular student request!)


New students are always VERY welcome, and many return term after term. 



Monday mornings during Hampshire term time.
24th February to 31st March 2025

Time: 10am - 10:45 on Zoom

Cost: £30 per family for the project. (ie £5 per class)
Siblings are welcome to login on separate devices at no extra charge


If the "book now" button doesn't work - please send me an email instead.  I'm trying to figure out how to do this (and I'm not a web designer!) Thank you.

Intro to Business Studies - RECORDINGS AVAILABLE


A photo of a laptop on a classroom table. The image on the laptop screen is various graphs and financial information

Who is it for? 

(a) Students undecided about taking Business Studies at GCSE level and would like to get a feel for it first; or
(b) teens who would simply like to get a little grasp about how businesses function.

Class content is based on the Edexcel International GCSE syallabus 


This was a live class during June and July. The recordings are available to purchase.

Duration: Five one hour lessons.

Cost: £50.


Classes have the tutor’s screen on and are a mix of lecture style content, videos, and discussion with student participation. 


The course will introduce students to:

• Business activity and influences on business. (Things like different types of businesses and their differing objectives; measuring success; reasons for failure)
• People in business (covering things like communication, recruitment, training, motivation)
• Business finance (why cash is so important)
• Marketing (the lifeblood of a business)
• Business operations (how businesses are run)

Black and white logo of two children holding hands

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